Saturday 10 August 2013

A Birthday By The Seaside

Thursday the 8th of August was George’s 10th birthday!  My eldest grandson, the first of my three little treasures to come along, is ten years old!   Those ten years (and I know it’s a very overused phrase but it’s a true one), have flown by.

DSC_0188_edited-1.jpgbThe birthday boy.

So, it being the school holidays and a sunny day forecast for his birthday, a day beside the sea was planned by his mum and happily executed by the rest of us. 

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  Uncle Gary and Charlie have a bit of fun together.  Charlie loves his Uncle Gary.


And not something we see all that often anymore, a good old fashioned Punch and Judy Show.


And when it was over Nicholas casually walked over, took a seat and checked out what was going on behind the scenes.   He was the only kid to do that.  It made me smile.


A birthday isn’t a birthday without a birthday cake and candles and also a “happy birthday to you” sing song.


Gary took the boys down onto the beach for a game of cricket.

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Toward the end of the afternoon the boys all took a walk over to an old shipwreck on the beach and came back covered in mud.  George couldn’t wait to get out of his muddy shorts and into some clean ones.  I think it’s been decided that next time we’re going to picnic and play further along on the beach where there probably isn’t any of this old mud and there are showers to use, lifeguards on duty and this splash pool too.  The only downside is it’s busier.


We’ve all been looking forward for a good while now to be in Cleveleys on a hot sunny day and for the boys to use the splash pool.  Finally they got to use it and wash off the mud at the same time.  They loved it too.

I think I can safely say we all had a grand day beside the sea and George had a happy birthday!



Caroline said...

Lovely pics! Don't forget I used that splash pad too! I was the only adult obviously but I couldn't stay out of it. Charlie looks fed up on the beach but he wasn't he was just concentrating. xx

Anonymous said...

And a fun day was had by all!!!!
How nice that you all got to spend such a lovely day together. I would have liked to be there too with my boys. They would have loved it. They need their English cousins to show them how to play cricket. Great pictures once again Nan!